Merry Christmas! Ho Ho! Ho! It's the jolly man in the big red suit. Time to celebrate the most joyous season on the calendar with Santa Claus and his hard-working reindeers and elves. Who doesn't love the spirit and magic of Christmas, knowing that Santa will slip down your chimney this Christmas Eve with a sack full of presents for all the little boys and girls. Remember to always be good and leave out a nip of brandy for the big fella!
- Santa pullover jacket in polyester plus matching pants with pockets
- Black plastic belt with gold painted buckle 2" x 4" in size
- Two Boot Tops in faux leather with faux fur trimming attached
- Santa hat in red polyester with faux fur trim and pom pom
- Wig and beard set made from polypropolene hair strands
- One pair of white gloves
- Eyebrow whitener and one pair of round framed glasses
- This comes packaged in a full sized garment bag and is an official Rubie's product

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